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Gift Card Donation Form


P.J.W. Restaurant Group is proud to help build a better community by giving back.  If you are requesting a gift card, sponsorship, dine and donate, or other donation for you or your organization’s cause or event, please complete the following form.


Be sure to complete the entire form below and allow 4-6 weeks for the processing.  Please note, submission does not guarantee that your request will be fulfilled.  You will receive an email of the decision.
Pick Organization Country and Type
Organization Search

Organization Info
Please fill out any missing organization information below.
If you know the Tax ID it will speed up the processing and verification of your request.
Requester Primary Contact Information
The person completing this form who wishes to receive email updates should be entered here
Event Details
(include Street, City, State and Postal Code)
Donation Request Form
/ *
Please attach the following documents:
Certified 501(c)(3) document (Not Tax-Exempt form)

• Documents that describe your event or organization, or other related document.

• (Click on Browse button to attach multiple documents. Files will be uploaded when you click submit. A maximum of three attachments will be saved. Attachments must be in one (1) of the following formats: Pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx. Limit the file size to less than 4MB.)
for example Event flyer if nothing specified (Click on Upload File button to attach multiple documents. The files should be selected from a folder on your computer. The files will be listed under the attachment box. Files will be uploaded when you click submit. Attachments must be in one (1) of the following formats: Pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx. Limit the file size to less than 10MB.)
* Denotes required fields
This form will expire after 2 hours.
A DonationXchange account will be created and provided in the confirmation email for tracking purposes.