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Astros Foundation Scholarship


Thank you for your interest in the Astros Foundation Scholarship program. Please complete the following scholarship application in its entirety to be considered for a scholarship.

The deadline for applications is June 6, 2024. If awarded, there will be a reception held on June 23, 2024 beginning at 11:00 a.m.
Requester Primary Contact Information
The person completing this form who wishes to receive email updates should be entered here
(a verification email will be sent to the email above to ensure that you are able to receive emails for this request and also any future communication on the status of the request. Please click "Send Email Verification", if you did not receive the Verification email from You might want to check your spam folder or try a different email address)

(No PO boxes please)
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Requester Info
* Denotes required fields
This form will expire after 2 hours. You may save as draft after completing a few key details.
A DonationXchange account will be created and provided in the confirmation email for tracking purposes.